How do I recycle ...
While the most effective way to reduce waste is to not create it, there are options for recycling many items, from single stream recyclables to clothing, electronics, and plastic film.

Maynard Recycling Drop Off
Find out when you can drop off items like documents for shredding, old electronics, hazardous waste, and Christmas trees for chipping.

Recycling Plastic Bags & Film
Plastic bags and film packaging should not be recycled in curbside carts or single stream programs because they frequently get stuck in recycling equipment, shutting down the machinery.
You can recycle them at local grocers and retailers, which have collection bins for these items so they can be recycled separately from other recyclables. These items are then recycled through NexTrex, which then uses the post-recycled content to make outdoor lifestyle items, such as park benches.
You can find a list of what you can and cannot recylce at these collections bins on the NexTrex website. Or print out this handy PDF.
Where to find collection bins:
Big Y
DeMoulas Market Basket
Ocean State Job Lot
Price Chopper
Stop & Shop
Whole Foods

TerraCycle Bins
You can recycle several items (listed below) at the TerraCycle US collection bins in Littleton or Acton at Donelan's Supermarkets, Reuben Hoar Library, and the Littleton transfer station.
You may recycle (reasonably empty and dry):
Cell phone cases of any brand
Personal care and cosmetic containers
Oral care product containers & manual toothbrushes (no electric toothbrush heads)
Plastic Deodorant containers (no aerosols)
Air freshener and cleaning pumps, trigger sprays, cartridges (no aerosols)
Old pens, markers, and mechanical pencils
Empty ink-jet and toner cartridges
Visit Littleton MA & Terracycle to find out what other items you can recycle.

Recycle Smart
Can you recycle that? Find out with Recycle Smart's Recyclopedia, a Massachusetts-based recycling guide.

A grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving and getting stuff for free in their own towns.
Everything is Free Stow/Maynard
Join this Facebook group and find a new home for your unwanted item or a new treasure for your house!

Baystate Textiles
Accepts all used clothing, footwear, accessories, and linens. You can find bins on the property of Lincoln-Sudbury High School.