​To learn more about what items you can recycle and where, see our Recycling page.
Exploring Solar Energy & Heat Pumps
Speaker Zana Cranmer—associate professor of energy at Bentley University and a Maynard resident—talks about solar PV (photovoltaic), including the costs, incentives, and energy potential for your property. View the Solar Energy talk on YouTube.
Steve Breit of the volunteer group Heat Smart Alliance talks about heat pumps, how they work, the installation process, and what to expect when using heat pumps in the home. View the Heat Pump talk on YouTube.
Green Maynard has partnered with Energy Sage, a nationally recognized independent consultant that can help consumers find the best solar solutions and reliable solar installers for their home. EnergySage helps in several ways:​​
Their free solar calculator provides an initial estimate of the costs and benefits of solar panels for your house based on your roof, monthly electric bill, and contractors in your area.​
They provide a free, competitive marketplace to match you with quotes from pre-screened solar installers. You can get multiple bids without having to share your contact information until you’re ready. All the bids use the same format to make it easy to compare prices.
Their advisors will answer your questions, review installer quotes, and help you figure out which, if any, work for you.​
You can use EnergySage to find reputable heat pump installers too. EnergySage services are free to consumers. All costs are covered by fees from the solar companies. ​Per our partnership with EnergySage, consumers who sign up through Green Maynard and complete the installation process with an EnergySage rooftop solar installer will receive $200, or $75 when subscribing to a community solar farm on EnergySage. Homeowners who select an EnergySage heat pump installer will receive $100. (Green Maynard does not receive revenue through this partnership.)​
The Town of Maynard makes it easier to compost by offering rodent-resistant home composting bins for $65. To obtain a compost bin, please contact the DPW office at 978-897-1317. Purchase compost Bins from DPW.
Sign up for Black Earth Compost, a commercial curbside pickup service that composts food scraps and other organic material. You can compost more with Black Earth than a backyard pile, including meat, bones, napkins, and cheese, and each spring you will receive a voucher for one bag of free compost.
Plastics & Human Health
According to Beyond Plastics—a nationwide project based at Bennington College in Vermont—over 13,000 chemicals are known to be involved in the production of plastic. Of these, more than 2,300 are considered “chemicals of concern.” Learn more about how these chemicals can impact health through Beyond Plastic's Fact Sheet as well as ways you can take action to reduce plastic in Maynard and beyond.
Alternative Packaging to Meet the Maynard Bylaws
Most restaurants can probably meet the requirements of the new bylaw by changing their orders with their usual providers. Nevertheless, here is a list of three of the largest providers who sell recyclable as well as biodegradable and compostable alternatives. Also listed are other providers who offer sustainable packaging products.
Nature's Best Hope:Boosting Biodiversity in Your Yard​​​​
If you missed entomologist and ecologist Doug Tallamy's talk, sponsored by the Library and the Maynard Council on Aging, you can watch it on YouTube! Learn what to plant and what to remove to create a "Homegrown National Park" in your yard (no matter how big or how small) to help establish a network of viable, vital habitats and support the foundational insects that support our food web. ​​
Sustainability Committee
The Town of Maynard Sustainability Committee provides Maynard with solutions to successfully prepare for present and future climate, energy, and environmental challenges.